Zapier lets you automatically connect Parvenu's data to 7000+ apps.
Last updated
Zapier lets you automatically connect Parvenu's data to 7000+ apps.
Last updated
Login to Zapier.
Accept the invite to Zapier
Create a new Zap
Search for the app you want to integrate with Parvenu
Search for Parvenu
Authenticate Parvenu by clicking on the Parvenu step
Login Email
The email you use to sign into Parvenu
The email you use to sign into Parvenu
Map the contact's social media profile from the trigger step to the action step for Parvenu
Add any additional actions you want to happen
You can pass contact data to
Cold email tools
Automation tools
Test your automation and turn it on
When a new contact is created in Bullhorn CRM, enrich with a social media profile to find their email address in Parvenu, and update the enriched data back in Bullhorn CRM.
Lead is created in Bullhorn CRM
Find email from social media profile
Update lead in Bullhorn CRM
Find email from social media profile
Your API Key from the page