Social Search
Get contact and company data from Linkedin or Sales Navigator
Last updated
Get contact and company data from Linkedin or Sales Navigator
Last updated
Start by installing the Chrome Extension.
Click the Extensions icon.
Pin the Chrome Extension so it is easily accessible.
The Chrome Extension does not perform actions on your Linkedin account.
Build your search in either Linkedin or Sales Navigator.
Use either a Linkedin People search or Sales Navigator Lead search.
Open the Chrome Extension by clicking on it.
Select an existing List from the dropdown, or create a new list by clicking the "+" sign. Give your List a Name and click "Save."
Click "Find Contacts from Social Media"
Choose the type of search
Auto Search - Searches using the page you are currently on.
Enter a URL to Search - Lets you paste a search URL and can be pages that aren't your current search
Select the number of pages to search
There are 10 contacts per page on a Linkedin search and 25 contacts per page on a Sales Navigator Search.
Sales Navigator
Sales Navigator
Must split into lists with a maximum of 1000 per search
Sales Navigator
Must split into lists with a maximum of 2500 per search
Ensure you have the correct list selected
Start the search
It takes 10-15 minutes to find all the contacts in your search.
Navigate to the Lists page
Search for the list you created and open the table
Download the file or export it to one of our integrations.
You can view the progress of your search to see if it has finished.
View it directly from the Chrome Extension by clicking "Check Status"
Additionally, you can view the progress from within the app on the Search Status page. This page also displays the original search URL used for the search.
If you have over 1000 contacts in a Linkedin people search or over 2500 contacts in a Sales Navigator search, you can still get all the contacts in the search, but you'll need to split the search into smaller searches.
The easiest way to split a search is by geography.